Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Site Specific Install "Termitaria"

Termitaria Install

On a hot summer day my girlfriend and I decided to go to the Mentor Marina Park to set up a temporary site specific install. It was a hot day with high humidity and little breeze. Neither one of us were looking forward to the mile or so hike down the dirt trail to the beach which would have to be traversed with multiple pieces of art in hand. Luckily I had the "war cart" with me. The "war cart" is a large wagon with wooden sides, thick rubber wheels, and a sleek red steel body which is specifically made for yard work. I borrowed it from my parents for our excursion. 

With my art pieces loaded into the "war cart", lifting the whole load into my girlfriend's minivan proved to be a difficult task. Even with a makeshift ramp, pushing the cart into the back of the minivan was arduous. More difficult though, was getting the "war cart" down the steep slope at the end of the trail which empties out onto the beach. We had to transport each piece individually down the slope to the beach because I feared that if I were to take the "war car" down the treacherous slope, it would either careen out of control or jack knife spilling all its contents into the adjoining woods. In all, I must have made at least eight trips up and down as I safely transported piece after piece of what was about to become a site specific install. 

Though already sweaty, I excitedly got to work setting up my pieces. Normally there are relatively few people at this beach, but on this day, there were many boats anchored along the shoreline. Some people were swimming, some were suntanning, while others casually walked up and down the beach. As I was setting up my install, people would come by and ask me what I was doing. Upon learning that I was creating art, people were enthused and pleased to be witnessing something that is a bit out of the norm for a hot summer day at the beach. Generally, people seem to really enjoy art and watching artists create their works when it is in a setting that they can relate to. 

The highlight of the day though, came when two kids came up to my install and, as kids are prone to do, got real close and examined it as if it were some new discovery being viewed by fresh eyes for the very first time.  Kids are always the best viewers when it comes to art, for they have yet to be prejudiced by adult concerns of beauty, value, and taste. Kids enjoy and explore whereas adults always seem to want to know what it means or want to know what and why am I doing what I am doing. 

Anyway, here are some pictures of the days install. Enjoy.

The above three pictures are of my first install. My goal was to create a linear install that could be juxtaposed against the two differing backgrounds. The lake and the woods. 

The above two pictures are an example of tighter grouping. Hopefully, the more spire pieces I create the more elaborate the installs will become. 

The above two pictures are examples of a random type install. I was hoping to have more time to play around with this install and various other types of configurations. Unfortunately though, rain clouds started rolling in and we barely made it back to the minivan in time.

Two kids enthralled with my install.

The above photo was from a smaller test install I did earlier in the year in my mom's garden. Summer 2012. 


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Temporary Install

The following pictures are from a work in progress.

A small selection of what will be a larger install placed in various parks around Northeast Ohio. This setup is just a trial run which was set up on my back porch in late Winter of 2012.

Angled top down view of some of the brighter orange pieces. 

Two Close up views.

The top three pictures were taken at critter eye level.

Info: Temporary install on my back porch. This install showcases how these pieces look before putting the final coatings of sprays and matte medium on them. I tend to like them better at this stage than when finished, but without the sprays and matte medium I am afraid they will deteriorate. I am hoping to use hundreds if not thousands of these pieces in a larger install some day. 

They are made from layers of cardboard glued together, paint, various salts, dyes, plaster, and talus. Copyright 2012. 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Nick Cave's Sound Suits at the Cincinnati Art Museum

The following pictures are a limited example of Nick Cave's sound suits as they were displayed at the Cincinnati art museum from January 12th 2012 to April 29th 2012.  

For more information concerning the art work of Nick Cave, please check out his webpage at the following: www.soundsuitshop.com

For more information concerning the Cincinnati Art Museum please check out their webpage at the following: www.cincinnatiartmuseum.org

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Mimesis Art Show at Survival Kit Gallery

Mimesis: Sculptural Works by Jonah Jacobs and Rebecca Cross

The above show was on view from Sept. 16th to Nov 18th 2011 at Survival Kit gallery in Cleveland Ohio. 

Using distinctly different materials, Rebecca Cross and Jonah Jacobs both draw upon nature to create organic, whimsical sculpture that evokes forest, flower, and sea life. Both artists create a tension between weird and familiar, raw and delicate, creating a visual experience that feels oddly natural.

For more info concerning the art seen above, please go to the following websites: